History and FAQ

History and FAQ

The Management Information Systems Association is a professional, academic, philanthropic and social organization. MISA unites a diverse community of individuals who have a passion for combining technology with business and often pursue careers in Information Technology. Each semester MISA holds various activities that are designed to expose students to professional opportunities, expand their technological skills, and meet other like-minded individuals.

Originally founded in 1982, MISA was re-established in 2009 and has experienced rapid growth. In the past two years alone, MISA membership grew by 250% and attracted various majors from MIS, Computer Science, Engineering, and Natural Sciences.


MISA exists to bring together like-minded individuals who have a passion for technology and business. We equip our members with tools by going beyond course curriculum and covering broader issues in IT. Our aim is to foster an environment that empowers students to succeed in the world outside the Forty Acres, both as professionals and as individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions


MISA is the premier IT organization within McCombs, which functions to build a community that is interested in technology and business. In addition to connecting students - mainly MIS majors - the organization also works to connect companies with students regarding post-graduate opportunities. 


Joining MISA is a great way to meet people that have similar interests as you and participate in a variety of activities. As a well-rounded organization, MISA hosts socials, academic workshops, service days, and professional networking events. Regardless of whether you want to learn about different career opportunities, go out and give back to the community, or hang out with a group of fun-loving individuals - we guarantee that MISA has something to offer. 


Our general meetings are 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM at McCombs in CBA 4.326 unless another time is noted. More information about our events can be found on our Instagram and on the Events tab.


There is none! Like every major technology organization out there, we care more about what you do than what you wear. As such, unless it's an off-campus dinner where business casual is recommended, you are welcome to wear what you would like. 


That depends on the event. At General Meetings, you can expect a company presentation along with a fun activity with food. At socials, you can expect a variety of games (video games, board games, or card games) to be played. Service events usually entail cleaning up a creek around Austin, so be ready to get your hands dirty. Workshops are similar to class lectures in that you are taught a hard skill over the course of the event and are given hands-on experience with technology. 


You are free to contact any of our officers via email, Facebook, or in-person if you have any questions about MISA. But, of course, the best way for you to see if we are right for you is to attend a meeting! Membership is not required for you to attend any of our meetings, so you are welcome to come and see if MISA would be worthwhile for you. 


Anyone! We accept all majors, years, races, genders, etc... In order to be a member, your only requirement is being a UT student and paying dues. See our Membership page for more details. We welcome anyone to be a member, but having an interest in technology is recommended.


Marketing and Administrative Director

  • Maintains official Texas Management Information Systems Association website

  • Manages database of each member’s information

  • Sends out newsletters to members

  • Informs public about events

  • Designs apparel for Texas MISA

  • Organizes purchase of apparel

  • Holds all orders/designs until voted on by the PR committee and Executive Board

  • Oversees orders and acceptance of merchandise

  • Works with Special Events Director in creating any needed advertising for events

  • Oversees creation and upkeep of social media accounts

  • Have written Social Media Plan to grow all Texas MISA accounts

  1. Finance Director

    • Organizes semester budget

    • Manages Texas MISA’s bank account

    • Approves additional funding requests from officers

    • Approves expenses and reimbursements if needed

    • Ensures money is spent appropriately

    • Updates ROS page with University Federal Credit Union upon addition, dismissal, or graduation of a member

    • Creates payment plans and fundraisers for members

    • Enforces fines

    • Reserves all rooms necessary for on-campus TX MISA events

  2. Social Director

    • Organizes meaningful social events

    • Collaborates with other social organizations to plan collaborative social opportunities

    • Plans social events within meetings

    • Presents new ideas for engagement

    • Assists the Marketing Director with social media 

  3. Philanthropy Director

    • Plans philanthropic events that are coinciding of Texas MISA members

    • Organizes events with philanthropic opportunities in Central Texas

    • Main contact for philanthropic organizations

    • Records service hours

    • If chooses, organizes fundraisers for philanthropic organizations

  4. Corporate Director

    • Invites sponsored organizations to events that are designed for them

    • Communicates sponsor events to the rest of the organization

    • Works with Marketing Director to advertise sponsor events

    • Serves as the first point of contact for all sponsors

    • Invite alumni to events that are open to them. 

    • Records attendance at networking events and sends information to the Executive Board

    • Provides recruitment timeline for Executive Board

    •  Organizes and executes networking events

    • Communicates recruitment events to the rest of the organization

  5. Special Events Director

    • Creates events that are designed to support collaboration among the paid members

    • Works with the corporate director to achieve sponsorships for events

    • Main point of contact for other organizations who favor working with MISA to develop a collaborative event

  6. Academic Director

    • Creates workshops that provide members with learning opportunities in subjects like Tableau, HTML, Python, and Excel

    • Works alongside the Special Events Director to facilitate and plan case competitions and hackathons

    • Assist any MISA members with course assignments and topics through Discord

    • Help construct a comprehensive MIS major course overview workshop

    • Present new ideas that enhance MISA members’ overall academic productivity

    • Prepare mini academic competitions related to previous academic workshops

  7. Membership Engagement

    • Contacts professors and schedules timeslots to advertise MISA in their classes

    • Assists in preparing and executing the MISA Membership Drive

    • Coordinates MISA Families and encourages member involvement in the program

    • Engages with new members to facilitate a welcoming environment

    • Organizes social events with MISA members outside of normal meeting hours

    • Designs surveys to gauge members’ satisfaction and discover potential new programs for MISA

    • Proposes new initiatives for increasing member engagement and meeting attendance

    • Performs ad hoc tasks for the membership officer